Wow! Summer flew by!
It's the beginning of our 2013/2014 school year and UCA is teaming with new technology! I am very excited to bring advanced, engaging resources into my science class this year. Praise God for continuing to shower our school with His blessings!
In science we are starting out our year with a short introduction on selecting and using lab tools, brushing up on the scientific method, and performing some fun labs and activities. Then we'll dive into our textbooks and begin our study of God's wonderful Creation!
In 6th grade we will begin with a study of Earth's topography and landforms. The students will get to make a mountain and translate it into a contour map. They will also explore a map of our local mountains, learning to locate different features and interpret symbols.
The 7th graders will learn about the modern classification system for living things. Each student will make an insect collection this fall, giving them an opportunity to identify and classify different species.
The 8th graders will kick the year off with a study of motion and force. The students will explore Newton's laws of motion as they crash tiny cars, compare speeds of different motions, and graph results.
Yep! It's going be a great year!
"Come and see what God has done, how awesome his works on man's behalf!" Psalms 66:5 NIV